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Fair Pricing, Expert Craftsmanship & Local Owners Who Care; Since 1970

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couple suffering during a very hot summer

If You Don’t Know This About Your Roof You Could Be In For a Long HOT Summer

Summer ’17 in Texas brings in trips to the lake, barbecues, and vacations….it also brings in 100 plus degree weather and it takes a toll not only on our abilities to be outside and withstand the eat, but our homes too! Extreme heat can cause major damage to your roof. Here are a few roof maintenance tips for you to make sure your home is cool and comfortable, and your roof withstands the heat of summers in Texas.

Ja-Mar Roofing and Sheet Metal when quality and experience matters

What Every Austin Homeowner Needs To Know About Hail Damage

Hail damage often presents itself as small dips or breaks in a roof. The size of all these things can vary and fall completely at random. Even if you do not see indentations on the shingles themselves, you may still find proof elsewhere. If you find depressions in gutters, siding, skylights, or chimney caps, it may be worth taking a closer look at the roof. Not having visible proof of hail damage doesn’t mean it’s not there.